For almost fifty years, maritime and supplies handling activities had not evolved much, and it is labour intense as in past and in today. Today, with the ever-increasing cost of computing power, we are now at the curve of the pivoting point where maritime industry evolves into quick digital adoption.

As a Ship Supplier, our role in the industry is very repetitive. We are receiving RFQ, sourcing, responding to RFQs of the customer, accurate warehouse picking to boarding.

The fast and accurate response to RFQ of the customer would mean a higher probability of winning customer order and reducing operational overhead. An automated RFQ system using AI & ML can streamline your ship supplier sourcing, respond to RFQ, make faster and smarter business decisions, and accelerate business growth as AI and ML will learn from past customer data and correlate with customer behaviour big data. It lets machine intelligence emulate how a customer service/salesperson will be performing quotation to a specific vessel RFQ.

Streamline your ship supplier solution processes, make a faster and more intelligent business decisions and accelerate business growth.

Find out how Supply Logic 365 can help to automate your ship supply business.

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