
Transform Your Ship Supplier Business

With Supply logic 365

Streamline your ship supplier solution processes, make faster and smarter business decisions and accelerate business growth.


The Supply Logic Team

Our goal when we created Supply Logic 365 in few years ago was the same as it is today: to accelerate the advent of digital ship supply software solution by bringing compelling cutting edge and proven technologies to market as soon as possible. If we could have done that with our first product, we would have, but that was simply impossible to achieve for a tech company that had never built a specialized ship supply software solution and that had one AI and machine learning technology iteration and no economies of scale.

It took the team almost 2 years to fully map out ship supplier’s challenges and requirements and design them onto Microsoft Dynamic line of business application coupled with AI and Machine automated RFQ solving capability.

To get to that end goal of a fully integrated Ship Supply running and operating via AI and Machine Learning, big leaps in technology are required, which naturally invites a high level of scrutiny. That is fair, as new technology could be held to a higher standard than what has come before. However, there should also be some reasonable limit to how high such a standard should be, and we believe that this has been vastly exceeded in our recent customer engagements.

Our goal here is to eliminate any concern about the productivity efficiency and ensure over time the Supply Logic 365 has the highest ROI investment cost of any ship supplier solution at our price point.

Our belief is that our ship supply software solution is the most efficiency and automated in the market. With a highly dedicated team with solution architects, business process analysts, developers, data-scientists to warehouse and financial consultants – we together co-developed Supply Logic 365, an AI & Machine driven ship supplier solution that allows you to operate 365 days with great ease.

All these statements are said to make clear the confidence we have in our product and to provide clear messaging regarding the integrity of our technology and the effectiveness of our solution.

Watch Your Business Transform With Supply Logic 365


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