
Transform Your Ship Supplier Business

With Supply logic 365

Streamline your ship supplier solution processes, make faster and smarter business decisions and accelerate business growth.

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Smart Ship Chandler digitalization with Supply logic 365

Build your digitalized Ship Supply business with Supply Logic 365 that cover a range of processes from Robotic Process Automation, Automated Sales and RFQ Management, Procurement, Smart Warehouse and Spares Management.

Watch Your Business Transform With Supply Logic 365

Introducing Supply Logic 365, a full suite of ship supply software solutions specifically designed and developed for the Ship Supply Industry. With an embedded AI / ML engine and seamlessly integrated function modules, Supply Logic 365® automates your processes from end to end.

On average, our satisfied customers reported a 25% improvement in sale orders success rate and 100% quality consistency in global RFQ using our ship supply software solutions.


We help to ramp up your Maritime supply chain to face the new era challenges

The Game Changer

One Common Data Model

One Common Data Model

Using Microsoft Common Data Model framework to unified business data and processes and offer interoperability among apps with common data model.
One Common Data Model
Run and operate your smart warehouse -With the smart warehouse, users can easily visualize your storage and layout capacity. Having centralised operation module – Building a common centre for sharing information between your sales, warehouse, spares management, logistics and operation to handle various customer demand.
Build Your Own Internal Control Process

Build Your Internal Process

Using Workflow configurator to build and personalised business flow logics to meet your business need in an automated and structured level.
Build Your Own Internal Control Process

Our experienced team will be onboard with you throughout the whole process to understand  your daily business needs so that the solutions can be customised to the full potential.

Bulk Procurement and Smart Contract

Bulk Purchase and Smart Contract

Combing best of breed procurement policies across industries and utilizing AI and Machine Learning automation process, we are able reduce procurement turnaround time and cut out “guesstimate” factors when making procurement policies.
Bulk Procurement and Smart Contract

Intelligent Procurement modules include sorting of quotations, advisory on what, when and quantity to buy, suppliers’ pricing at one glance with comparison and more.

Applying AI Capabilities 
to Supply Chain

Supply Logic Auto Bot for RFQ Processing

Create AI & Machine learning to drive an automated sales process management. 

Using and getting AI & Machine learning to process, create and validate inbound request for quotation and revert with an accurate and quick RFQ to customer.

In ship supply business, Speed and Accuracy are the essence to success

Choose A Plan That Works For You

Go beyond your business capability with Supply Logic 365 Flexible Licensing plan

On Cloud Plan

Software as Subscription

• Pay as You grow model

• Attractive ROI for your business

• Visibility KPIs Improvement

• Faster RFQ Submission by min 50%

• Accurate RFQ Submission by AI & Machine Learning

• Fast and outbox Implementation

• Hassle free for customers

• Allow business to have better control over IT budget since they only purchase what they need

• Take advantage of SaaS model to reduce costs of infrastructure, IT and management of solution

Own Premise Solution

• Deployed your own dedicated solution

• Lower total recurring cost

• Manage your own Infrastructure, IT and Management of solution

• Shared services with your existing Infrastructure and application


Digitalizing ship supply for maritime industry with Artificial Intelligent & Machine Learning

We Make it Easy to Connect With Users On Every Platform


Supply Logic 365 allow users to connect to their organization on the Go

  • Mobile App (Android & IOS)
  • Browser
  • Office 365

Our Vision

"Technology is nothing. What’s important is that you have a faith in people, that they’re basically good and smart, and if you give them tools, they’ll do wonderful things with them."

Steve Jobs

Our Credentials

Microsoft Partner Logo

Ready To Make a Real Change to Your Business?

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What's this webinar all about?

  1. Learn other maritime companies have drastic improved their RFQ turnaround time.
  2. Learn how to apply latest Microsoft cutting-edge technologies to improve your business outcome.
  3. Complete digitalization journey for ship supplier ranging from RPA (Robotic Process Automation), AI & Machine learning Automated RFQ Process, Integrated Operation Management, Smart Warehouse and 360 overviews of your business activities.
  4. See real business improvement results with proven digital technology.
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